04 März 1.-4.3.2012 – Space VJ Meeting [Olsztyn, Polen]
VJ Diablos and VJ Forum International are organizing a four-day expo with workshops and performances, as part of the „Space VJ Meeting Poland” series by VJ Diablos. Space VJ Meeting Poland will take place in Olsztyn, poland, from 1st till 4th of march.
This time VJ DIABLOS‘ idea was to prepare a small :) party @ small club with one VJ and one DJ, but BJORN SAMSON (VJ Forum International, Dizzy&Woozy) offered help so this event is international now, lets get started!
Are you ready to show your skills in an amazing location?
VJ Diablos invites us to the Planetarium in Olsztyn, from 1st of March till 4th of March (4day event), where we can connect our favourite toys to some projectors and all share an extraordinary moment by doing what we like.
There is a castle nearby and depending on the amount of VJs we can bring together we have a possibility to do some serious mapping there or during 2nd edition in september.
Program: (more to be announced)
PLANETA 11: Space VJ Meeting Big Office for artists, workshop, open everyday from 11am-8pm, free WIFI Hotspot, free pc
RELAKS HOSTEL: Space VJ Meeting Office Room, open 24/24 from 1day before till next day after, mapping, workshop, accomodation & free wifi Hotspot
PLANETARIUM: th/fr/sat/su- performances & mapping
BWA ART GALLERY: sunday-installations: 3 VJs & 3 hours long film: „Diablos in Mexico“
GRAWITACJA CLUB: th/fr/sat/su-Performances, mapping, structures + afterparty
free accomodation for 25 artists for 5 nights in 3persons rooms. 29/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5
How to get there?
Best by flight to Gdansk or Warsaw. Then take the bus to Olsztyn.
For people travelling from outside the EU, we can write recommandation letter to apply @ your local Counsil for a visa. All artists play&workshop for free.
To confirm (no deadline) your participation contact Jaroslaw Balabanski (VJ Diablos) and we will put your name on this confirmed list:
VJ Diablos (Poland) www.facebook.com/vjdiablos
Dizzy&Woozy (Belgium) www.facebook.com/DIZZYenWOOZY
DJ MacDict (Belgium) www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-MacDict/139411616118271?sk=wall
DJ Massaar (Belgium) www.facebook.com/djmassaar
VJ TashTec (Belgium) www.facebook.com/pages/Tashtec/158180567569560
VJ Takehiko (Italy) www.facebook.com/veejay.takehiko
Yukijung (Germany) www.yukijung.com
Roman Heller (Germany) www.armitage.tv
Yochee! (Germany) www.visual-society.com // www.7dex.de
Jan Ehlen (Germany) www.shinytoys.eu
Pixelkraut (Germany)
Jerry Jerome (Germany)
Lynx de Luxe (Germany) www.lynxdeluxe.de
Herr Schoder von Schallbild (Germany) www.herrschoder.de
.lov. (Hungary)
vargasz (Hungary) www.cogevj.hu
John Coffee (Austria) www.limeartgroup.com
Psykle Visions (UK) www.facebook.com/jakepsykle
VJ Dody (Czech)
VJ FkS (Poland/Bulgaria) www.facebook.com/vjfks
.wju (Poland) https://www.facebook.com/wjuwju
Sasza Zak (Poland) www.facebook.com/Sasza.Zak.aka.Zak.S
VJ Neonbreaker (Poland) www.flavors.me/neonbreaker
Odaibe (Poland) www.odaibe.com
Systu (Poland) www.facebook.com/systu
2 ducks
Event supported by:
all artists
VJ Diablos (Poland)
Bjorn Samson (VJ Forum International) (Belgium)
GarageCube (Swiss)
Audio Visual City (Spain)
Audio Visual Academy (Russia)
Visual Society (Germany)
armitage.tv (Germany)
LeCollagiste (France)
CoGe (Hungary)
United VJs ( Brasil, Germany, UK, Portugal, Hungary, Russia)
and: Planetarium, BWA, Planeta11, Grawitacja, Miejski Ośrodek Kultury.
(more info soon)
Thank you for support us! Join us!
We are waiting for you with VJ Heart!
We ♥ all of you !
URGENT: second edition: 2012 september 6-9,
the same situation
VJing for VJs!
For applying and more info check out the facebook event page