29 Apr. 29.4.2017 – AUGMOUNTAIN @ European Media Arts Festival [Osnabrück]
Augmountain Motion::Tracking::Boulderwall
Fr, 28.04. / 21:00 / Augmountain
Zenit Boulderhalle Osnabrück
Push dein Klettererlebnis an der mit Motion Tracking erweiterten Kletterwand, die damit zum Augmountain wird. Klettere gegen deinen eigenen Schatten, überbiete deine Bestzeit und bring den Berg zum Leuchten. In der Boulderhalle Zenit lädt der Medienkünstler Yochanan Rauert aka Vj Yochee Besucher ein, den virtuellen Gipfel zu besteigen.
Sounds von den Plattentellern mit Ni No erfrischen die Sinne beim Aufstieg und Zuschauen.
Yochanan Rauert aka VJ Yochee [ˈviːdʒeɪ ˈʤɔkɪ] is a VJ and media artist from Münster. His work evolves in the rhythm of the night, exploring the wide range of light and video art using audiovisual experiments somewhere between circuit bending, motion tracking and projection mapping. Yochanan started working the exhibitions and festivals in 2008, and has been involved in LPM (Rome, Amsterdam), Dokfest (Kassel), DARK (Arnsberg), Lichtungen light art in Hildesheim and the Reset Festival in Münster. He has been a co-organiser of the Shiny Toys Festival since 2012. www.7dex.de
Ni No is a young, emerging artist, electronic DJ and music producer from Osnabrück. With his customary ease, he manages to blend together the various facets of a successful evening. Viewing a DJ set as a complex puzzle, he effortlessly manages to complete it, rocking the dance floor at the same time. Recordings of his DJ sets give us an idea of his keen sense of music and sounds, and the impact they have on his listeners. His track and sets have been released on all kinds of labels, including FourFluo Records, Click Musik Records, Nulectric and Infinity Mind Label. www.soundcloud.com/nino-osnabrueckausliebezumdetail