10 Apr. circuit bent ‚hama easy script‘ (hama 42535)
circuit bent ‚hama easy script‘.
This video titler now features 3 additional modes for image glitching:
1. audio to waveform
2. text weirdness
3. background patterns
Finding nice circuits on the board was fairly easy. I have only added switches and potentiometers for now. The only flaw is that the device is prone to crash, which is why using ‚audio to waveform‘ mode and ‚text weirdness‘ at the same time isn’t recommended.
If you wanne recreate this mod, check out the ICs 74HC04N, 774HC32N, 774HC373N on the left side, the onboard pots (text width) and others. I would have wished to find some more info about the device. Some pics of the inside (without mods):